JUNE 27, 2024
June 28, 2024

Qu Dongyu
Director General, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN FAO).

Graça Machel
Politician and Mozambican activist

Marcelo Gleiser
Dartmouth College professor.
Parag Khanna
Global Strategy Advisor, New America Foundation.

Janusz Wojciechowski
Agriculture Commissioner, European Commission.

Michael Schaupp

Gustavo Paredes
International Affairs and Sustainability Manager, Asazgua.

John Linder
Ex-President, National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) and President, International Maize Alliance (MAIZALL).

Federico Zerboni
President, Maizar.
Y.C. Lim
CEO, AgCelle, Hong Kong, China.

Preethan Shivamurthy
Acting Consul, Indian Consulate.

Angeladebie Ramkisoen
Ambassador, Embassy of Suriname.

Ronaldo Pereira
President of the Americas, FMC Corporation.

Roberto Jaguaribe
Ambassador of Brazil in Germany.

Fernando Mattos Costa
Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay.

Lilian Costa Scheepers
CEO, Pandamatenga Commercial Farmers Association (PCFA).

Guillermo Eduardo Valles
Galmés, Ambassador of Uruguay in Brazil, Embassy of Uruguay.

Benetia Chingapane
Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Botswana.

Jacqueline Nakamura
Commercial Attache, New Zealand Embassy.

Adelaide Jorge
Vice-Consul, Consulate of Angola.

Antonio Pedro Rodrigues
Consul, Consulate of Portugal.

Gladness Tinyiko Kumalo
Consul General, South African Consulate.

Brown Leather
Ambassador, Embassy of Kenya.

Marian Schuegraf
Ambassador of the European Union in Brazil, Embassy of the European Union.

Aung Kyaw Zan
Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

Plinio Nastari
President, DATAGRO.

Roberto Rodrigues
Former Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply.

Ricardo Nunes
Mayor, City Hall of São Paulo city.

Carlos Roberto Massa Junior
Governor of the State of Paraná.

Eduardo Leite
State Governor of Rio Grande do Sul.

Jorge Mello
Governor of the State of Santa Catarina.

André Aranha Corrêa do Lago
Secretary of Climate, Energy and Environment.
Guilherme Nastari

Cesário Ramalho
Former President, SRB and Coordinator of the Agro Council (ACSP).

Eduardo Riedel

Luciana Costa
Infrastructure, Energy Transition and Climate Change Director, BNDES.

Teresa Vendramini
Embrapa counselor.

Thiago Guilherme Péra
General Coordinator, ESALQ-LOG Group.

Alexandre Dal Forno
Director of IoT and 5G Marketing Development, TIM Brazil.

Fernando Ferreira
Strategist and Head of Research, XP Inc.

Eduardo Lion of Souza
President and CEO, CropLife Brazil.

Marcos Jank

Geyze Diniz
Economist, Co-Founder and President of the Board, Pact Against Hunger.

Pierre Santoul

Rachel Maia
Chair of the Board, UN Global Compact in Brazil.

Ricardo Santin
President, Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA).

Marcelo Rizério

Marcos Troyjo
Former President, New Development Bank (NDB).

Guilherme Nolasco
Chief Executive Officer, UNEM.
Luiz Roberto Barcelos
President, Agrícola Famosa.

Roberto Perosa
Secretary of State for Trade and International Relations, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

Luiz Henrique Barrochelo
Agricultural Defense Coordinator (CDA), Department of Agriculture and Supply of the State of São Paulo.

Bernhard Leisler Kiep
Secretary Director of Abramilho and President Elect of MAIZALL.

Caio Souza

Bibiana Carneiro
Board member, GT AGRO, IBGC.

Gabriel Delgado
IICA representative in Brazil, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture.

Guilherme Piai Filizzola
Secretary of Agriculture and Supply of the State of São Paulo.

Tirso Meirelles
President, FAESP/SENAR-SP.

Henrique Prata
President, Love Hospital

Carlo Pereira

Miguel Gularte

Carlos Fávaro
Minister of State for Agriculture, Livestock and Supply of Brazil.

Deputy Arnaldo Jardim
Vice President, Parliamentary Front for Agriculture.

Roberto De Lucena
Secretary of Tourism of the State of São Paulo, Department of Tourism.

Secretary José Aldo Rebelo Figueiredo
Municipal Secretary of International Relations of São Paulo, City of São Paulo.

Deputy Zé Vitor
Federal Deputy, Chamber of Deputies.

Nilson Leitão
President, IPA - Institute Think Agro.

Vinicius Oliveira Caram Guimarães
Superintendent of Granting and Granting Resources, Anatel.

Carlos Goulart
Secretary of Agricultural Defense, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply.

Marcelo Porter
Head of the Digital Operations and Channels Area, BNDES.

Renata Miranda
Secretary, Secretariat of Innovation, Sustainable Development, Irrigation and Cooperativism, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

Marcos Marinho Lutz
3CEO, Ultra Group.

Fabio Marchiori
Interim CEO, VLI Logistics.

Bruno de Freitas Gomes
Securitization and Agribusiness Superintendent, Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM).

Eduardo Monteiro
Commercial and Marketing Director, Canal Rural Productions,

Diego Bonaldo Coelho
Professional Master's professor, FIA Business School.

Guilherme Benchimol
Chairman of the Board, XP Inc.

Tercio Dalla Vecchia
President, Reunion Engineering.

Rafael Furlanetti
Managing Partner, XP Inc..